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Print is Dead?

Lifestyle-blog tackling a hot topic

© Print is dead
“There are plenty of T-Shirt contests out there, but none so far on this hot topic,” says the initiator and founder of stylishkidsinriot.com, Stefan Urschler. The theme for the first official S.K.i.R. T-Shirt contest is “Print is Dead?”, alluding to the current slump in ad sales in the magazine and newspaper market.
“We’re currently experiencing changes that have been accelerated by the economic crisis. The investment in online media has taken on proportions no one could have reckoned with,” says Urschler. Various actions about this theme have been taken throughout the world. The “Print is Dead?”-campaign therefore also calls on young graphic and fashion designers to get creative and submit their designs by January 2010.

Bloggers, editors-in-chief and journalists will also get to have their say in the course of the campaign to shed constructively critical light on this theme.
The winning design will afterwards also be produced.