

Symposium and Laboratory for Intercreativity

© bauer - konzept & gestaltung
© bauer - konzept & gestaltung

When text turns into sound and an audio book turns into a visual book, when fashion swaps the catwalk for the stage or the catwalk becomes the theatre itself, when pigeon holes do no longer fit to classify what is happening - that is when it shows that creativity is nurtured by diversity, contrast and friction. Breaking through boundaries and thus conquering new ground is in the nature of creativity.


Between March 11 and March 13, 2010, about forty of art’s and culture’s top-notch protagonists will gather in Vienna’s Odeon to reassess - or even override - boundaries between the creative fields of fashion, music, broadcast, multimedia, design, publishing, classic arts and architecture. The cue being intercreativity: an approach that challenges traditional views and, by doing so, even gives birth to entirely new forms of art. The event QUER by departure, Vienna’s funding and meeting point for the creative industries, is designed for the general public and thus open to everyone interested in this subject.


QUER provides a platform for interactive thinking. Being a forum for lectures, analyses, and discussions and hosting a creativity lab, the event scores not only with an inspiring mix of theory and practice but also with an array of high class participants, like Christian von Borries, Diedrich Diederichsen, Oliver Welter or Bernhard Willhelm.

QUER: Symposium and Laboratory for Intercreativity

March 11 - 13, 2010




Taborstrasse 10
1020 Vienna




creating without borders 

Thu, March 11, 2010, 1.30pm - 9.00pm


all spots on intercreativity

Fri, March 12, 2010, 1.30pm - 7.00pm


visualisation of music as innovative artform
Sat, March 13, 2010, 11.00am - 1.30pm


literature lab - turning audio into visual books

Sat, March 13, 2010, 2.30pm - 7.00pm





