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13 festival for 
fashion & photography 





Solo Exhibition: Mario Neugebauer

(c) Mario Neugebauer
Stilleben mit Bier und Kaugummi, 2009, Oil, paper on canvas 200 x 230cm © Mario Neugebauer

The artist Mario Neugebauer is obviously interested in cars and their accessories and features, that’s a fact.


If you begin to give it more thought, you first have to acknowledge the following: in art there’s girls’ kitsch and boys’ kitsch, and there are clichés that constantly pop up in men’s art. For example, in many pictures by young women you can see beautiful faces and bodies or cute animals. Boys’ kitsch is something quite different then. If, like Mario Neugebauer, you’re using cars in your pictures, you’re balancing on the borders between art and kitsch. This is not a problem per se, on the contrary, you just have to be a good artist.


But as soon as we get to this point we’re facing a problem. Because no one really knows what good art is. And a bit of a risk is also necessary because otherwise it’ll get boring very quickly. And besides, art is art, and not a competition.



Text: Marlene Haderer


24 October 2009 7pm


Halfway through

27 October 2009 7pm



28 October 2009 7pm




Semperdepot, Studio Building of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Gound floor

Lehargasse 8

1060 Vienna


